
1.    St. Theresa’s Cathedral
2.    Our Lady of Angels

    Our lady of Angels Parish situated along Lusaka Road was founded in 1970. The Parish is under the order of the Franciscan Capuchin Friary Community.  The capuchins in a bid to open new parishes bought a vacant Dutch Reformed Church in 1970, and in a short time, it was converted for use as a Catholic Church with the title of Our Lady of Angels.  The house attached to the church became a friary and a canonical foundation of the Order.
     The Parish saves the area around the Lusaka Road, Ellen Britell, Nottie Broade, Highlands and Hillcrest Secondary school respectively. 
      Currently, the Parish is ministered by Fr. Patrick Lynch as Parish priest and assisted by Fr. John Grace and Fr. Dominic Sandu respectively. The Parish has a catchment population of approximately 3500 people. The parish is blessed with 5 convents of different sister congregations housed within 4 Small Christian communities of our parish.
 Towards Self sustainability ;
Our Lady of Angels parish embrace sustainability approaches in the delivery of both pastoral and social services to the community.  Self sustainability measures mitigate the impact of financial obligations required to smoothly run the parish. Below are some of the activities achieved.
1.      St. Patrick’s Pre and Primary School
The Parish started running a pre school in 2005 and since inception, the school has grown with slightly over 120 pupils in total on the register.  Money realized from both the Preschool and   and Primary school (surplus) account go towards parish evangelization activities. The school opened Primary School in 2010 and has since stretched to Grade 2 this year.
2.      Hiring of Chairs
The Parish has just over 200 plastic chairs for hire to parishioners and outsiders at a cost of K2000 per chair per night. The response is very positive. The broken ones are instantly replaced.
Spiritual Growth.
The parish increased the number of masses on Sunday from the original 3 to 4 in order to meet the growing population of parishioners. This is attributed to residential developments in the new area of Highlands and SCC’s evangelization works in the community.

Our Sunday masses are as follows:
  1. 1st mass 0700hrs
  2. 2nd mass 0815hrs
  3. 0930hrs Special Children’s mass- Homily for children is done by catechetical teachers in line with the liturgical Calendar and their Catechetical lessons
  4. 3rd  mass 1030hrs
A look at the 6 SCC communities at OLA parish
  1. St. Charles Lwanga is the first SCC when coming from Town, The area is referred to as Town area. These the houses down Fairmount Hotel up to Katete Road. The SCC has 26 active households. The SCC data of those baptized is as follows:
Baptized Catholics in St. Charles Lwanga

  1. Kitzito SCC: The community is adjacent to Charles Lwanga, (Nottie Broade). It covers the area near Chanda market  down Lusaka Rd up to Kafue Rd and part of New Nottie Broad plots and also the area surrounding the church building. The SCC has 51 catholic households.
Baptized Catholics in St. Kitzito SCC
  1. St. Monica SCC
St Monica SCC covers the area between Lusaka rd up Airport Rd and back through Mushili Way. The community hosts the Convent for the Holy Cross sisters. It has a total of 143 baptized catholics.
Baptized Catholics in St. Monica SCC

  1. St. Claire SCC
Perhaps the largest SCC at the parish in terms of the number of Catholic households. Then community covers much of  Ellen Brittel. The community was once divided and gave birth to St. Francis Xavier SCC. It has a total of 174 Baptized Catholics at the moment.
Baptized Catholics in St. Claire SCC

  1. St. Francis Xavier SCC
St. Francis SCC is an adjacent community to St Claire at the extreme Northern end of Ellen Brittel.
Baptized Catholics in St. Francis Xavier SCC

  1. St Anthony SCC
A new and emerging community bordering St. Kitzito and covering the new settlement of Highlands. It is within this community that the church intends to expand. Efforts are already underway to acquire a new plot in this area to de congest the parish in future.
Baptized Catholics in St. Anthony SCC

3.    St. Francis – Dambwa
4.    St. Peter’s – Airport
5.    Christ the King - Maramba
6.    Maria Regina - Linda
1.      Historical BACKGROUND
    Maria Regina is one of the oldest Parishes in Livingstone. 
    The name Linda is a ‘toka’ name which means Guard or Guarding. This took place when the Federal Republic in 1906, when king Lewanika met the Queen of England here in Livingstone. They met in a place which was called Barotse Park. 
     After the meeting, since it was near the village where ZESCO in Linda stands today, they appointed the same headman to guard the Barotse Park; hence the name LINDA was given to the Village head man who was a guarding of Barotse Park in Federal which means a GUARD.
      When the headman Mr. Linda was moved away from the park he settled in the area which is now called Linda. 
When the government built the compound, the Roman Catholic also asked for a place to build their Church. Hence they were given two lands of which are one at the Eastern side of Linda and secondly at the Western side respectively. While they were still building their Church, the Roman Catholic asked for a place of worship. Hence they started worshiping in the government house Number N.R.G. in Linda. This is the land which is now number 14 where Mr. and Mrs.  Nkhoma live at present.
The two schools were built; At the Eastern side was Linda East for lower primary SB A, B - 1 and 2 only. At the Western side was Linda West for upper primary for STD 1, 2, 3, and 4… these schools are there up to date though are no longer run by the Church but now under the Government.

Ø  Maria Regina Parish was under Capuchin Fathers
Ø  The First priest to be at Maria Regina was Fr. Albious.
Ø  The first Catechist was Mr. Cyprian Mwale.
Ø  The Church was completed in 1956.
Ø  Since that time up to date, it has never being enlarged
Ø  The Spiritans or Holy Ghost Fathers took over in 1980.

 Fr. Albious started visiting Linda compound as it was being built. As Catholics were becoming many, Mr. Andrew Mwanza who was Secretary of PWD volunteered his house N.R.G 14 to be a house of Working and meeting place for all activities of Catholics of that time.
Fr. Albious and Mr. Cyprian used to go in the compound to preach.
The number started from 37 people i.e. 5 male and 5 female and 27 children. It is at that house where Mr. Cyprian was voted as a helper to Fr. Albious. They went door to door evangelizing and that is why more people started joining Catholic Church.
In 1956 People formed Linda Catholic Social Club at the N.R.G. 14, and made a football ground where Linda High school stands today. They also started women sewing club.
Monday was a day for Rosary for men from house to house, while Tuesday was a day of Rosary for women from house to house.
Furthermore, in 1956, when the old man asked for a land to build a church, he was given a land where the Dutch Reformed Church is today. He refused because the land was bad with a lot of mad during rains. Instead he was given a land at Linda West, where they built two classes. Before Maria Regina Church was built they shifted from N.R.G 14 to Linda west.
When the whites started developing Livingstone, the Old Man was told to move his village to Bush place where Linda is today. He was again told to move away so that they could build a big compound with very nice houses.
When the Old man moved away, the compound was built and restored the name Linda. Some of people settled at the place called Maloan across the stream and some went to Western part of Livingstone. That is how the Maloan compound became part of Linda Parish.
When Lein and Robert Company went to Malawi, Fr. Albious moved to the works yard where Mr. Cyprian used to work in order to build a Church. Mr. Cyprian refused to follow the two to Malawi and decided to work with the missionaries under Fr. Albious. That is why up to now the old man is very committed to the works of the Parish up to date.
Still more the target was Children. By that time Nansansu was still at messenger’s compound. Fr. Albious used to walk from Maramba to Linda on foot. He used to make Rosaries for elders and giving Children some sweets.
The Catholics were liked by the people because they were building schools, Hospitals and helping the orphans, aged widows, the sick, etc.
Hence Makunka and Sichili were established. That is why Makunka and Sichili are the first stations for priests who came to Livingstone Diocese.
When the Church was built and named Maria Regina most Churches came in and told the people that the Catholic people were praying to Mary or Maria. But it was explained that they honored the mother of Jesus. Without Mary accepting to carry Jesus in her womb, Jesus would have not been born through her.
The reformed Church came in and built its church in the middle of Linda compound but still more it never won the people from Catholic Church.
 The Slogan ‘Maria Regina family of God’ came in during the leadership of Fr. Chika. This is in relation to the theme of the first African Synod in 1995 that states ‘the Church as family of God’. It is true that if it was not a family of God, Catholic at Linda could have been abolished.
This question has many answers as follows:
i)                    Some Parishioners of Linda still believed in the hand outs. The first Missionaries (Capuchin fathers) built the Church and some structures by some money from other catholic Churches from Europe. So the people of Linda never took any initiative to know or work hand in hand with the missionaries. This built in them lack of initiative of any trouble in building or under taking any plan or construction of any projects.
ii)                  The boundaries of our Churches are not observed, as a result some people who don’t make it in their Catholic Churches come to seek positions in Linda, blocking the people within the boundary. This results to the bad leadership.
iii)                Tribal conflicts among parishioners not forgetting that Linda Parish is in southern Province where priests are allowed to give homilies in English, Tonga and Lozi only. Some Tribes within them don’t feel at home with this. Some of these are Bemba’s, Nyanja, Chewa, Lubale and many others. Most of these don’t take any initiative to learn the two languages recommended by the Bishop as Church languages.
iv)                Instead of helping the Church to grow, some people present themselves as very poor class in order to suck or get more help from the Priests and Sisters.
v)                  Unless the parishioners learn to undertake the projects and develop their Church, they shall remain backward and poor.
vi)                If Linda Christians will not give willingly and sacrifice themselves they will remain a complaint Church forever.
 These are reason that are making us to ask for your support knowing that as time goes we are trying to educate the Parishioners as to how to make the church belonging to them. We have already started with different seminars on leadership, Self-sustainability and many others. If we manage to complete the wall fence, it will give us an ample time to concentrate with other projects like the unfinished platform and the Kansanga market tomatoes stand and the shop.
May the good Lord bless you and your apostolate.

7.    St. Joseph’s – Mukuni
8.    Holy Childhood - Makunka
9.    St. Kizito’s – Sesheke
     Saint Kizito Parish was established in 1970 by the Capuchin fathers. It is situated 196 km west of Livingstone town. The Parish is currently run by the Diocesan Priests.
    The Parish has five (5) outstations namely Katongo, Sawmills, Maondo, N'ambwe and Lusinina.

    There are two (2) Masses on Sundays. The first Mass is at 07:00 Hours which is in celebrated in English. The second Mass is at 09:00 Hours which is in Silozi.
 The population of Sesheke is on the increase and this has led to rise in the number of Catholics.
 The Parish has the following Lay Groups: Nazareth, Catholic Women's League, Legio of Mary, and Saint Anne’s Women Organization. The following are the ministries that exist in the Parish: CCJP, Youth, Liturgy, Catechetical, Altar Boys and Home Based Care.

Home Based Care is strong and all the members are committed to their duties of looking after the sick people. These members are volunteers who at times provide some necessities to the people they take care of using their own resources.

The group of Holy Childhood is growing and children have taken kin interest in learning about their faith. In this view Mission Animators are trained through workshops so that they journey with the children as they grow.
10.St. Lepold – Shangombo
11.St. Arnold - Mwandi

St. Arnold Catholic Mission Mwandi
P.O. Box 60090
Livingstone – Zambia
St. Arnold Mwandi Mission is one of the two parishes (St. Francis - Dambwa and St. Arnold Mwandi) within the Diocese of Livingstone where SVD Confreres are working. Currently there are two Priests for Mwandi.

1.      Location and Name:

Mwandi Parish is located 140 km west of Livingstone town. It was one of the Outstations of St Kizito Parish Sesheke.
The mission is named and dedicated to St. Arnold Janssen – the Founder of three Congregations namely SVD, SSpS and SSpS AP. 
This parish was officiated by His Lordship Raymond Mpezele, on 26 July 2003.

2.      Catchment Area and Catholic Population:

The parish caters for 10 Community Centers; Mwandi as the Center and 9 Outstations, namely St. Linus Mabumbu, St. John Simungoma, St. Peter Lipumpu, St. Dominic Mutuwapafa, St. Joseph Lwazamba, St. Francis Lutaba, Jude Sankolonga and St. Joseph Situlu .
These Community Centers are scattered within the whole Mwandi Constituency. And the Catholic Population of the Parish by now is 1560 (Parish Census 2009) out of about 28000 the total population of this area.

3.      Brief on the Mission work, the growth and its challenges:

The mission in general, though there is growth is slow but sure. The catholic population as stated above is 1560 compared to 1081 when we started the mission.
When started, we took about 7 months (arrival here on 24 January 2003) being here in the place for needed physical, social and spiritual preparations before the official commencement of being a Parish. Within this time, we worked out the survey to the area.
Beside some work on the needed infra-structure to be in place, the Priest with an ad hock parish Pastoral Team toured the whole Community Centers to see to the pastoral situation; what was there e.g. the opportunities/possibilities also its treats and challenges.
And after the official opening, we committed ourselves onto the initial pastoral works among them we look into leadership formation inclusive of skill trainings, the ordinary spiritual maintenance but most importantly, we set up 3 sizeable committees on spiritual, Social and Development and commenced them to do further research on where to start and how to go about. 
This exercise took them about 8 months after which the first parish assembly was called upon to discuss the findings.
On this mentioned assembly, the representatives discussed at length the draft document which was produced by the 3 Committees. The assembly then came up with a fine document for the Parish as Pastoral Priorities to guide the Pastoral work of the parish within the given period.

4.      Three Pastoral Priorities of the Parish and the Successes:

The Document of our Parish on a 3 Year Strategic Plans and renewable Pastoral Program suggested 3 priorities to be looked into; firstly Sacramental life (Spiritual aspect), secondly, on HIV/AIDS and Sustainable Development (Social, culture and economic aspects)   and thirdly, Community Development (the infra-structure).
Each priority has its own vision and goals (mission) to be accomplished within the given period of three years. This pastoral program was evaluated in April 2007 and with the given results, the Parish then guided into new era of another 3 years pastoral commitments.

5.      Achievements on Spiritual aspects:

Beside a number of difficulties and failures, a lot has been done and accomplished. On spiritual line, Catechetical and leadership empowerment were among the top priorities. Many Volunteer Catechists and Liturgists for Sunday Liturgy and Funeral Leaders and Preachers were trained and also their spiritual life being regularly nursed/maintained with ongoing designed spiritual formation. Also, guided by the diocesan Policy on leadership, we run elections of the parish at different levels; SCCs, church and Zone, leadership.  Furthermore, we empower them with a designed formation programs on skills and ongoing spiritual.

6.      Achievements on Social, cultural and Economic aspects: Lutaba as Center for Agriculture and Rural Development and at the same time as a Sub Parish

On Social, Cultural and Economic undertakings, the parish works hand in hand with the Diocesan Development Department which is now called CARITAS Office embarking on the issues of prevention and care of HIV/AIDS disease, by establishment of TEMOGI (Teenage Mothers and drop out Girls) and HBC (Home Based Care) in early 2005.
We also embark on programs of Option for the Poor by establishing an Agricultural and Rural Development Center in Lutaba in August 2004.
This mentioned center is situated up north-western, about 60 Km away from Mwandi. To better infra-structure, a multi-purpose Hall was constructed in early 2009 and well furnished last before being blessed by His Lordship Raymond Mpezele, the Bishop of Livingstone on 6 Sept 2009. This Hall accommodates all the integral pastoral and rural development activities.
Being such a center whereby it accommodates various activities for Diocesan and Parish Level, Lutaba then became a sub parish for Mwandi. This is so for pastoral reasons, to foster better pastoral service, e.g. to intensify an integral spiritual, social and economic activities there where the deep rural communities are.
Among other things, this center is currently running a program called CMDRR (Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction). This program is all about educating the rural Communities on issues of concerns; Climate change, Sustainable Agriculture with an approach of respect and
Friendly environment, Culture and Family life values, Justice and Peace, also towards the creation of a resiliency life and living.

7.      Achievements on Physical Development:

While on Infra-structure, we have succeeded among them are these following projects:
-          Electrification of the Parish House and the Church in April 2003.
-          Construction of a semi-permanent church for Mabumbu, in 2004 
-          Construction of grass-thatched houses for Priest and Care Takers in 7 Outstations; Lutaba and Simungoma in 2003, Mabumbu and Lwazamba in 2004, Mutuwapafa in 2006, Situlu and Sankolonga in 2008.
-          A fine renovation works on two permanent Churches for Mwandi in 2003 and Lipumpu was done in 2005.
-          Drilled a Borehole and putting up good running water system at Mwandi in October 2005.
-          Construction of a Multi-purpose Hall at Mwandi in 2005 which was well furnished and being blessed on 23 July 2006.
-          Construction of Parish Ablution Block and Garage in Mwandi in 2005
-          Construction of a Multi-purpose Hall for the Agriculture and Rural Development Center in Lutaba in 2009 and being officiated and blessed by His Lordship Raymond Mpezele, the Bishop of Livingstone Diocese on 6th. Sept 2009
-          Drilled a Borehole at Lutaba and installation of Hand Pump in June 2009.

All of these have been succeeded with the good cooperation of parishioners, moral support of Bishop of Livingstone and financial help from different Benefactors through SVD, Overseas Funding Agencies and Individual Families efforts with their generosity of life giving faith.

8.      Conclusion and Vote for thanks

As the SVD District of Zambia celebrates it’s Jubilee of 25 years this year 2011 being in Zambia, we would like to take this opportunity to praise and thank God for the many blessings being poured upon to the mission of Arnold in Zambia and Mwandi in Particular.
We also would like to thank the Diocese and her leaders,especially Rt. Rev. Raymond Mpezele for his loving supportive leadership to us that inspires us to devote our lives for the given mission here in Zambia.
We too, would like to recognize and thank the leadership of SVD present and the past at all levels; General, Province of Botswana and District of Zambia for the trust and all the moral and financial support they have been to Mwandi mission.
 Thanks to the leadership of the Parish at all levels and parishioners for the good cooperation and spirit of service from the start of the mission till now and wishing you many blessings for the coming years. Live and long life for Arnold, is also Long life for Mwandi Mission. 

12.St. Fidelis – Sichili

The Parish was established in 1936 by the Capuchins; Fr. Christopher was the first Superior. Since its inception the parish faithfully proclaims the Good News and serves the people living within its catchment area. People living in remote places have access to sacraments on average only once in three months, when a priest visits. The Catholic Church by her nature, she is Sacramental, and this propels us to visit these mass centres to celebrate with them the Eucharist and to administer other sacraments. We believe that sacraments can strengthen and transform these people’s lives effectively.

Sichili Parish is one of the biggest rural parish in Livingstone Diocese. It has 44 outstations which are divided into 11 Zones. Some of them are situated in very remote places; the furthest one is located 140 kilometres away from the main centre. The total number of Catholics is 5340.

The Parish is currently being served by two Diocesan Priests; Fr. Daniel Mwayanguba and Fr. Bruno Hamukali.

Sichili Parish is located in the Western Province of Zambia, in Sesheke District. It is situated 256 Kilometres away from Livingstone town and 136 kilometres from Sesheke.

The are two masses on Sundays, the first one is at 08:00 hours which is children’s mass and the main mass is at 09:30 hours. Weekday mass is at 17:00 hours except on Saturdays when it is at 07:00 hours.


Many people of this parish are peasant farmers and remote dwellers. We have a few number of civil servants. The accessibility to food is by growing enough maize which is a staple food in this area. Few people live in houses owned by the missions which are of permanent structure and the majority live in houses which they erected using local material of grass, reeds, poles and mud. At the centre few people have access to clean water which they get from a borehole and they have to pay every month end for using it. Others, including all those from the Mass centres get their water from streams and rivers. They use the same streams and rivers for doing their washing and bathing which makes the water not safe for drinking. The only mode of transport which is common is the use of ox-carts and sledges. At the centre there is a government High School and some of the Mass centres have Basic Schools also owned by the Government. But very few have been to School.

There is also a Mission Hospital at the main centre which offers medical care to all these mass centres. Some of the mass centres have Primary Health Care Units (PHC) which attends to them on minor cases because all cases which they cannot handle are referred to the Mission Hospital. Out of the 44 mass centres only 3 have small clinics. Sichili parish is the biggest rural parish in the Diocese of Livingstone and it is one of the poorest parish in the Diocese. The majority of these people depend on small scale farming to earn their living. Some hardly manage to support themselves. Very few people are in formal employment working as teachers and nurses.


The parish provides different services such as:

-Conducting seminars and workshops, which include catechetical training, Justice and Peace, Women and Family issues.

-Special attention is also given to the Youth through programmes that stimulate their genuine and integral growth. Since the scourge of AIDS is rampart there are also programmes for the Youth sensitising them on the dangers of HIV/AIDS and early teenage pregnancies and its consequences.

-We also visit mass centres as often as possible to celebrate the Eucharist and other sacraments, we also conduct workshops and seminars in mass centres.


The parish will collaborate with organisations such as the cooperative which deals with farming in view of helping our people to modernise their farming. We also work hand in hand with those promoting good morals in society.

The majority of people in these mass centres are recent converts to Catholicism and their faith still needs time to be truly rooted in their lives. They are also subjected to criticisms from their relatives and neighbours because of their faith. They live in a very traditional world, where they have to defend themselves against such social phenomenon like witchcraft, spirit possessions and polygamy. Each day they have to seek ways on how to integrate their new faith with their traditional way of life. They look to us, pastoral agents, for answers to their faith quest and support. Hence the need to constantly visit them and it is our priority to build a strong leadership through education of local catechists and prayer leaders who would be able to keep the community together and make them grow.

At the moment, Sichili parish continues to grow through various activities taking place in the parish. These activities strengthen people’s faith and give them new hope. This is done by different Lay organizations and ministries which helps in different ways in the running of the parish especially in reaching out to those who are not active in Church activities.

The people living in this area only turn to the Main centre for their faith quest. We are committed to pass on to people of this parish the Good news, in the same form as it has been handed down and entrusted to us. Our mission is to make Sichili Parish alive and feel that they are part of the Universal church.

13.African Martyrs - Lusu
14.St. Anthony – Sioma
15.St. Thomas Apostle – Musokotwane
16. Njoko Mission - East of Lusu
      17. Nawinda Parish - North West of Sichili